Friday, November 29, 2019

Ritalin Essays - Methylphenidate, , Term Papers

Ritalin Ritalin The Babysitter of the 90's 07/03/2000 Prepared for Nursing 2116 by Tracey Hardin Ritalin (Methylphenidate) is a mild CNS stimulant. In medicine, Ritalin's primary use is treatment of Attention Deficit /Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The mode of action in humans is not completely understood, but Ritalin presumably activates the arousal system of the brain stem and the cortex to produce its stimulant effect. Recently, the frequency of diagnosis for ADHD has increased dramatically. More children and an increasing number of adults are being diagnosed with ADHD. According to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) (Bailey 1995), prescriptions for Ritalin have increased more than 600% in the past five years. Ritalin has a long history of controversy regarding side effects and potential for abuse, however it greatly benefits those with ADHD. Ritalin (Methylphenidate) is manufactured by CIBA-Geigy Corporation. It is supplied in 5 mg., 10 mg., and 20 mg. tablets, and in a sustained release form, Ritalin SR, in 20 mg. tablets. It is readily water soluble and is intended for oral use. It is a Schedule II Controlled Substance under both the Federal and Vermont Controlled Substance Acts. Ritalin is primarily used in the treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) (Bailey 1995). ADHD is a condition most likely based in an inefficiency and inadequacy of Dopamine and Norepinephrine hormone availability, typically occurring when a person with ADHD tries to concentrate. Ritalin improves the efficiency of the hormones Dopamine and Norepinephrine, increasing the resources for memory, focus, concentration and attention (Clark 1996). Ritalin has been used for more than 30 years to treat ADHD. Nervousness and insomnia are the most common adverse reactions reported, but are usually controlled by reducing dosage or omitting the afternoon or evening dose. Decreased appetite is also common but usually transient (Long 1996). According to Clark (1996), children, adolescents and adults diagnosed with ADHD usually report the following effects when successfully treated with Ritalin: Improved concentration Better focus Improved ability to complete their work Improved intensity of attention and longer attention span Reduced distractibility Reduced impulsivity Reduced restlessness and overactivity Improved patience More elaborate expressive vocabulary Better written expression and handwriting (especially in children) An improved sense of alertness Improved memory for visual as well as auditory stimuli Ritalin exhibits pharmacological activity similar to that of amphetamines. Ritalin's exact mechanism of action in the CNS is not fully understood, but the primary sites of activity appear to be in the cerebral cortex and the subcortical structures including the thalamus. Ritalin blocks the reuptake mechanism present in dopaminergic neurons. As a result, sympathomimetic activity in the central nervous system and in the peripheral nervous system increases. Ritalin-induced CNS stimulation produces a decreased sense of fatigue, an increase in motor activity and mental alertness, mild euphoria, and brighter spirits. In the PNS, the actions of Ritalin are minimal at therapeutic doses (Clinical Pharmacology Online 1997). Ritalin is the quickest of all oral ADHD stimulant medications in onset of action: it starts to achieve benefit in 20 - 30 minutes after administration, and is most effective during the upward slope' and peak serum levels. Ritalin's effect is brief: Most people experience 2-3 hours of benefit, but after 3 hours, benefits drop off rapidly. Some individuals, especially children, may obtain 4 or even 5 hours of positive effect (Clark 1996). Recently, there has been a dramatic upsurge of interest in using stimulants (mainly Ritalin) for children and adults for the increasingly popular diagnosis of ADHD. According to Persky (1996), the high frequency of the diagnosis of ADHD is a uniquely American phenomenon. Children and adults are now under greater pressure to perform and to do well academically or in the workplace. The chilling message in school and at work is Perform or Else. Because of this high intensity atmosphere, the use of Ritalin has become attractive. This has resulted in an acute epidemic of ADHD and the treatment of choice is Ritalin (Persky 1996). For example, after education reforms spearheaded by Ross Perot in Texas in 1984, Ritalin use in the state doubled. One Texas mother says she is being hounded by teachers to put her two boys on Ritalin against their psychologist's advice. Another mother says she had to ask a school board member to intervene when teachers at her child's school also pressed for

Monday, November 25, 2019

spec. needs essays

ETHICS Children w/spec. needs essays Students with Special Needs in the Classroom Environment: No topic has sparked as much recent controversy in the public school system as have equal education laws, particularly laws protecting the rights of students with disabilities. Before the passage of the Education for Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (which was later renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in 1990), children with disabilities were not treated as equals in the education system. As Dr. Francis Wardle states, For most of this century, children with disabilities have experienced isolation, segregation, misplacement, misdiagnosis, and poor-quality education in our schools and early childhood programs. The purpose of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, focuses on a students right to a free, adequate, and suitable education. Public schools are required by law to serve the needs of all students with disabilities, even if they attend a religious or private school, or are home-schooled. Obviously, the decision to allow a child with a d isability an education outweighs the opposite alternative. The controversy surrounding this issue is the question whether the quality education of a child with special needs should exceed that of a child without disabilities. Parents may consider several alternatives before they decide the learning environment they wish to place their child in. Parents may decide to home school their child where they can ensure that their child is being taught principles they view as important. Unless the child is part of a large family, however, this alternative does not allow the child to interact with peers. Parents may also consider sending their child to a special school that educates only children with disabilities. Doing this eliminates discrimination or any teasing the child may face at an integrated school setting since they are only around other children with disabilities. This ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Recommendation letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Recommendation letter - Essay Example contributed significantly in the school’s counselling programme by acting as the active counsellor, who has assisted different students with various issues affecting their lives. Jane is caring, passionate and hardworking. During her free time one will meet her interacting with the students as she offers them advice and lessons on how to live a positive life. She is also fond of reading psychology books and I remember when she gave me the Dan Ariely book, Predictably Irrational, which was incomprehensible at first until I sought some reading tips from her. She is extremely well prepared for the Master’s Degree as many of us have seen her studying various psychology related books, which shows that she is dedicated to education and a career path that concerns other’s wellbeing. Jane has always been patient with people and whenever a colleague or a student wrongs her, she always tries to understand the cause and does not seem to jump into quick conclusions. She brings an aura of simplicity and understanding to every difficult situation that people may have. Her personality clearly suits the master’s programme that she wants to pursue and ac cepting her into your institution will not only benefit her, but will also be for the good of the community. I highly recommend Jane for a chance in the Masters of Mental Health and wellbeing for children, young people and families programme, and I sure that even the rest of the community will be grateful too. In case I am needed for any further assistance, please contact me using address or numbers attached. Bodine, Paul. Perfect Phrases for Letters of Recommendation: Hundreds of Ready-To-Use Phrases You Can Use to Recommend Applicants to College, Grad School, and Professional School. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Irelnd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Irelnd - Essay Example Much of this success hs been the outcome of dynmic socil progrms developed by Irish government nd dministrtive deprtments imed to chieve greter socil performnce. It ws bsiclly Irelnd's ttempt to provide good working reltionship within the country s well s to rech consequency in immigrtion policy nd interntionliztion process tht shped country's socil policy. The generl orienttion in setting socil politicl or economic gols ws reching greement with the United Kingdom tht would enble the two governments to chieve significnt progress in the serch for pece in Northern Irelnd. These nd other fctors of internl nd externl socil policy of Republic of Irelnd will be exmined in the following pper. Prticulr focus on the interntionl sources of politicl, economic, nd socil trnsformtion will be mde to cover the ptterns of the topic. It is rgued tht these influences hve been the primry source of chnge in Irelnd since 1980 nd hve produced significnt benefits s well s certin problems for Irish society. Together with pressures for chnge by modernizing elites within Irelnd, who themselves were motivted prtly by their interntionl perspective, these internl nd externl fctors of socil policy hve creted synergistic process of chnge tht hs trnsformed the nture of Irish society. Due to Irish dispor nd close economic ties to Britin, Irelnd hs lwys hd significnt interntionl links nd strong position on interntionl mrket. But the trditionlism of Irish culture, reflected especilly by the profound nd powerful plce of the Ctholic Church, gve the ntion n insulr nd defensive qulity from independence through the 1960s. However by the erly 1990s the Republic of Irelnd hd received reputtion s highly dynmic, modern, nd successful ntion. Rpid economic growth in the 1990s hs resulted in high economic indictors nd nd result positive chnged in socil policy of the country. In 1996 per cpit gross domestic product (GDP) ws bigger thn the United Kingdom (UK) figure, nd growth since 1992 hs been especilly strong (Irelnd, 1997). In fct, through 1993-1999 Irelnd hd the highest GDP growth rte in the Europen Union (EU), nd its per cpit GDP by 1999 ws 112% of the EU verge (Europen Union, 2001). The consequences of culturl chnge produced verifictions to Irish economy nd prospects of its politicl sitution. In the erly 80th, Irelnd ws poor compred to the UK nd Europe's dvnced economies. But it ws not poor in comprison to the economies of Norwy nd nd Finlnd for exmple. (Kennedy, Giblin, & McHugh, 1988, pp. 14-15). Its popultion ws reltively literte, nd its trnsporttion fcilities, bnks, nd housing were reltively modern. lthough not industrilized, it nevertheless hd productive griculturl sector nd followed contemporry business prctices (Hughton, 1995). Of prticulr importnce ws griculturl reform prior to independence tht hd turned ntion where mny hd been exploited tennt frmers into n griculturl system chrcterized by privte ownership by independent frmers. long with significntly incresed interntionliztion of the Irish culture, lte 90th hve produced sound openness nd liberlism in the country (Gllign, 1996, 1998; O'Toole, 1996, pp. 11-22). Of gret importnce is the Good Fridy greement reched in pril 1998 tht creted opportunities for peceful settlement

Monday, November 18, 2019

The implications of the major determinants of demand and supply to Essay

The implications of the major determinants of demand and supply to domestic house building industry - Essay Example This paper starts with understanding this market. Here we will discuss about Porter’s Five Forces Model and try to understand the kind of customers marketers have in the domestic housing sector. This section would be followed by the discussion on determinants of demand and supply in the housing industry. Once we have understood the market structure and supply-demands we will be discussing various factors like economic, social, legal and environmental which affect the industry. This will be followed by the analysis and conclusion. The industry is made up of around 192,404 construction firms, 164,000 of which have less that 24 employees. Just 56 firms have more than 1,200 employees. (Source: Construction Statistics Annual 2002/CITB). 2 There are around 192,404 small and big firms. 56 firms have employed more than 1200 employees while 28,348 firms have employed 25 or more than 25 people and rest 164,000 firms have employed less than 24 people in their organization. Around 500 firms work for overseas contracts also.4 The segment rivalry and exit barriers are high. As it is almost mature industry in Britain, the number of suppliers and rivalry among them is high. This gives an added advantage to the constructor to negotiate for the quality and the price of goods supplied by them. The switching cost from one supplier to another is usually high. Buyers’ power in the case of houses is limited. There are several reasons for this i.e. increasing demand of house, lesser number of buyers, buyers not connected to each other, lack of information and others. The threat of substitutes is less and within the category. Housing requirements of an individual or family can be very specific leaving no room for many or instant substitutes. It depends upon the quality, price and availability of the house. The consumer behaviour can be divided on the basis of the type of consumers. They can be divided on the basis of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Chromatography Technique for Purification

Chromatography Technique for Purification Introduction Column packing is an integral part of the purification process in the manufacture of biologics. The goal is always to ensure reproducibility with regard to the technique to be used. Manual packing might sometimes involve several attempts to get an optimal packing as this would affect the purification process. The resin to be used in the packing process has to be well defined as it could impact on the flow rate which could lead to a reduced through put. The mobile phase is also important as the rationale behind the choice would be looking for a solvent that can pack the resin more tightly. In any chromatography technique that has to be utilised whether for the need to capture, purify or polish four integral parameters which includes, resolution, speed, capacity and recovery are always considered. Resolution is the most difficult to achieve especially during the polishing stage were impurities can be construed as having similar properties to the product. The efficiency of the column packing thus has a significant role to play on this basis as it is a good measure how consistently the column can perform. 1.1 Material: As per SOP 1.2 Key Instrument Components Bubble Trap BT1 Filter Housing F1 Inlet / Outlet Valves V001 V101 UV Sensor – QIR4 pH Probe – QIR3 Conductivity Meter – QIR2 Drain – V102 Column top and bottom connections – DN Â ¼ 1.3 Preparation of column for packing: As per SOP TRG-DSP-052. 1.4 Determination of % slurry: Procedure was followed as per instruction manual Results: Table 1 Results: Table 2 r=5cm h= 15cm 1.178 Volume of gravity settled resin for packing (Vgs) 1.178 x 1.33 1.56674 Slurry volume needed from container (SVc) (To give you the desired amount of gravity settled resin) (c) Vgs x 100 % slurry in container = 1.55574 X 100/66 % Slurry in container = 66% 2.37384 Adjusting the slurry to the desired % concentration for packing Slurry volume required for packing (SVp) Vgs x 100 % slurry for packing = 1.56674 X 100/ 70 % Slurry for packing = 70% 2.2382 Volume packing buffer to add SVp – SVc = 2.2382- 2.37384 -0.13564 Volume to be added is thus 0.13564 Litre Calculations: Number of theoretical = N Where VR = volume eluted from the start of sample application to the peak maximum = 8CM W h = peak width measured as the width of the recorded peak at half of the peak height = 0.5CM N = 5.54 X Â ² Number of theoretical plates = 1418.24 HETP = L/N Where L = Bed height (cm) As we already know N (1418.24) HETP = 15/ 1418.24 = 0.0105765 Asymmetry factor (AS) = b/a Where a = 1st half peak width at 10% of peak height (0.5cm) b = 2nd half peak width at 10% of peak height (0.5cm) = 0.5/0. = 1 As rule of the thumb a good HETP value should be at least two to three times the average matrix bead size and normally in the range of 0.0018cm to 0.035cm. Looking at our column our HETP value was approximately 0.0106 and our bead has a pore size of about 40 microns which equates to 0.004cm and this is about 3 times our HETP. Our column can thus be confirmed to be within the acceptable range. In the event that our column is not within the acceptable range several factors such as the following can be construed as being responsible. Uneven packing of the column or exceeding the optimal packing flow rate The possibility of channelling in the bed Inadequate CIP can also be a factor as this can result in a build-up of contamination in the column thus impacting on flow and other performance determinants of the column. Cleaning is also important to wash the matrix storage solution which is an unwanted entity during packing. Air entrapment prevalence of air bubbles can also affect the HETP values. The possibility of a void being present at the inlet can also be a contributing factor to the value of HETP not being within specification The choice of resin is also very important as the possibility of the solute reacting with the resin can result in an ambiguous HETP value. Peak asymmetry is an important measure in the determination of column efficiency and in conjunction with the HETP value is always used in the calibration of a new or existing column. The gold standard is the ability to achieve an asymmetry value of 1 although the acceptable range is normally between 0.8 and 1.2. An asymmetry value greater than 1 indicates the prevalence of extensive tailing while an asymmetry value less than 1 indicates extensive fronting. Taking our packed column into consideration, our asymmetry value from the chromatogram was 1 and one would generally thus expect a high efficiency and resolution. However, in the event of our column not being within the acceptable asymmetry value the following reason are the possible causes. Extensive tailing which is characterised by an asymmetry value greater than 1 as mentioned earlier can be a reason. This factor is a result of column being packed too loosely and it can be observed from the chromatogram by the peak tailing gradually. Extensive fronting is also a possible cause and it is characterised by an asymmetry factor less than 1 which is normally as a result of the column being packed tightly and would be noticeable on the chromatogram by the peaks developing slowly. Possible causes of resin/column deterioration and their remedies Temperature the resins have a temperature range that is normally specified by the manufacturers and a usually high temperature can cause irreversible damage due to loss of functional groups. It is thus important that operation should always within the optimal ranges and bearing in mind the fact that temperature maxima is only for indication. Oxidation – The functional groups are also attached by oxidation and on this basis one has to ensure that oxidants such as hydrochloric acid , nitric acid are not utilised in the cleaning regime as they can accelerate oxidation which damages the polymer crosslink Fouling apart from impacting on performance of the column can also cause irreversible damage to the resin. Fouling can result due to the presence of iron and silica for this reason special attention has to be paid to the type of resin to be used as prevention they say is better than cure. Drying out and cracking of the resin is also an important reason for column deterioration and this can be remedied by ensuring that the column is well equilibrated. High pressure -The build-up can also cause damage to the resin/column and it could be as a result of flow path restriction due to dirty or worn bed support. Manufacturer’s specification should always be adhered to in ensuring an optimal usage of the resin. The life span of the resin/column should also be taken into account and usage should always be as specified by the manufacturer. Harsh elution is another factor that is responsible for irreversible damages to resin/column. Every resin has a pH range that is optimal and this should be adhered to strictly. Conclusion: The practical experience was so interesting and brought the protein purification lectures received into perspective. A better understanding of the process was developed and the practical knowledge is quite adaptive to the day to day operation in a typical Biopharmaceutical plant.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Market Research :: Business and Management Studies

Market Research Introduction Milo has been around since 1933. It is a chocolate malt flavoured beverage, which is fortified with several vitamins. Young and old love Milo simply for being energy- packed and its rich chocolaty taste. As a health food drink, it is full of vitamins and minerals. In fact, new improved Milo boosts optimum performance. This is what makes it different from its competitors who are; Ovaltine, Haulics, Lucozade, Nesqiuck and other chocolate drinks. Milo is available in 18g single serve sachets, 80g, 200g, 300g, 600g, 1kg refill packs and in ready-to-drink plastic bottles. You can also enjoy the goodness of Milo through the healthy and delicious Milo Balls, Milo Ice Cream, Milo Scoop Shake and Milo Balls. I am going to identify and explain the principles of marketing because it is the foundation at, which I’m going to use to create my marketing strategy. Marketing involves the anticipation, identification, satisfaction and creation of consumer wants for the purpose of generating income or profit. It also involves a variety of activities designed to raise consumer awareness, develop new products, increase market share and profit and to manage the effects of change and competition. In order for a business’s marketing to be successful, it must be based on the principles of marketing, which are: * Understand customer needs * Understand and keep ahead of competition * Communicate effectively with its customers to satisfy customer expectations * Co-ordinate its functions to achieve marketing aims * Be aware of constraints on marketing activities Understanding customer needs This principle is based mainly on marketing research. Market research can be used to gather information about consumers buying habits and spending patterns. Organisations use it to scan the industry for any changes or trends, rather than asking 100 people if they like a product or other questions relating to consumers needs. This is much easier but has a drawback, which are expenses. It is very expensive carrying out market research because market research is a big business, which involves a lot of equipment and the correct professionals. This principle is significant to my marketing strategy because in order for my product to sell I will need to identify the right customers and the best way to achieve this is by understanding customer needs. Being unable to understanding customer needs could lead to no sales, thus no profit. For example, having a good product will benefit your marketing ploys, however, if the price does not meet the customer’s needs it may not sale or even if the place of distribution is not satisfactory the product may not sell; therefore understanding customer needs is essential to my marketing strategy.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Alcohol in Colonial America

The first settlers arrived to the Americas and staked their claim on this new discovery. Something else was waiting for the settlers, a beverage of intoxication. Almost as quickly as they began to organize and sub-divide the land, the immigrants, and true natives to North America shared their beloved drink: alcohol. Cultures of varied races arrived and shared in this most cherished drink. There were uses for alcohol in the earliest colonial times that went beyond a beverage to drink in festive gatherings. There are varied beliefs surrounding the conception of alcohol consumption and its effects on British Colonies. Some are true, others are false. I will construct an investigation surrounding the history of alcohol in Colonial America with persuasive evidence to support my findings. Alcohol, also commonly referred to as spirits in Colonial America had many uses. Alcohol, of course, was used in festive times, but it was also used in religious ceremonies as well and providing medicinal properties to aid in curing ailments. The initial impact of alcohol on the settlers led them to accept it for its varied uses. Although moderate use of alcohol was accepted, society, from its inception into the Americas, frowned upon individuals becoming overly intoxicated. In other words, drunkenness was viewed negatively. Since alcohol was considered a â€Å"gift from the gods† to the natives, the settlers, too, accepted its mind-altering properties as something almost sacred. The growing communities treasured it, just as the natives did. Time and abuse were two components that led to problems for alcohol consumption. Due to its success in the minds of settlers, they partook in alcohol consumption for all three meals of the day: beer with breakfast, hard cider with lunch, beer with supper. In fact, beer and hard cider were the most popular drinks for colonists. As the drinking continued, they wanted to learn how to brew beer. One of the initial problems—aside from increasing abuse of alcoholic drunkenness—was the lack of sufficient ingredients. Barley, grains, hops, and yeast were the main ingredients in a brewing beer. The colonies did not have an ample selection of hops and grains. Harvesting of barley and hops was not a common crop among farmers of this era. Many colonists tried different ingredients, but nothing satisfied the perfect blend of hops, barley, yeast, and grain. By the late 1600’s, cider became a top choice among colonists, mainly due the apple crops that were prevalent in colonial times. Mass production through efficient farming and harvesting by colonists was seen. Thanks again to England for the apples. Farmers increased their work load mainly due to the reward of the final product: cider matured into hard cider (which included alcohol). With the increasing popularity of beer and cider, the settlers discovered a need to increase their selection. The settlers started to import inexpensive yields of sugar cane and molasses to brew another popular drink: rum. Rum quickly gained in popularity for the following reasons: it was cheap to produce and tasted good. By 1700, in Boston, the first commercial distillery was opened. The increase in rum consumption was the first challenge to the beer market. Religion and alcohol found a common link. In fact, many taverns were required to be built near churches or the local town meeting house. The religious zealots accepted alcohol consumption—strictly in moderation, though. Drunkenness, of course, was viewed as sinful. Alcohol soon became a problem in the eyes of the church and laws were established surrounding alcohol. In 1697, in New York, they enacted a law that required all taverns to be closed on Sunday. They required that the Sabbath be set aside as a day solely for reconciliation with the Lord and prayer. In conjunction with the closure of taverns on Sundays, the church required further regulations against alcohol consumption on Saturday nights as well. The main concern for the church was that taverns were gaining more popularity than the Sunday services. The Reverend Charles Woodmason went one step further and cautioned parishioners with the thought that there was a competition between the church and tavern for souls. Reverend Charles was quoted was saying the following, the taverns had â€Å"more company of a Saturday, than in the church on Sunday. † As colonists went into the early part of the 19th century, religion encouraged moderation in any and all alcoholic drinks. Alcohol, aside from the churches persistent concern over drunkenness and a loss of parishioner appeal, had other uses. Alcohol was also widely used in the field of medicine. Many doctors and medical practitioners believed that some of the stronger spirits could prevent disease, cure some common infections, and offer relief to minor aches and pains such as headaches, sore joints and muscles. In these instances, doctors would prescribe rum, hard cider, or whiskey. Doctors also encouraged patients to increase alcohol consumption to relieve emotional or stressful problems in their daily life. In fact, doctors went so far as to prescribe families to drink alcohol in lie of water. They thought that water brought from Europe was contaminated, and, thus, could lead to serious illness. Alcohol consumption was also prescribed to children suffering from viral infections as well as aiding in their development into a stronger, more physically fit individual. A little whiskey and honey went a long way for a sick child. The unusual, or even outlandish, practices went further still: doctors prescribed hard liquor to women who were in labor, a means of numbing some of the intense pain suffered during labor. Midwives would brew what was coined â€Å"groaning ale. This groaning ale contained extremely high contents of alcohol and special spices, all in hopes of easing the child bearing pains. A variation to groaning ale was used by some doctors. This was a little less toxin on the mother and baby. Doctors concocted spirits that were used as an anesthetic. This anesthetic was less expensive and more readily available from household to household than the hard spirits used i n the groaning ale. Alcohol, as with many new products brought to civilized society, began as an innocent and purely beneficial product. Beyond the stress-reducing capacity for hard cider or beer, the early nutritionists thought alcohol had great nutritional value and needed to be added to a person’s health-conscious daily diet regime. Due to this initial nutritious appeal, politicians did not, initially, write legislation limiting alcohol consumption. It was not until 1619, in the state of Virginia, that the first law was passed to control alcohol use. Policy maker main objective was to restrict â€Å"drunkenness,† not prohibit the use of alcohol. This first law enacted a penalty against drunkenness which stated that if you were arrested for being drunk and disorderly, then the fine would be up to 5 shillings or imprisonment. In time, however, politician modified the law to only include a monetary infraction. The reasoning behind this law was because the lower-classes tended to be the ones caught in public, and politicians felt a fine would be viewed as more distressing to the lower-class and curtail drunkenness. The next state to enact legislation surrounding alcohol consumption was Maryland. In Maryland, in 1639, they attempted to limit the amount a person drank. According to law, it was illegal to be drunk in public: â€Å"drunkenness† was defined as â€Å"drinking with excess to the notable perturbation of any organ or sense of motion. † The penalty was the same as in Virginia: 5 shillings. In 1645, Massachusetts jumped on the alcohol bandwagon, passing a law that restricted the amount an individual could consume at any period of time. The law stated the following, â€Å"The courts consider it illegal to drink more than a pint of wine at a time. † Anything over a pint constituted inebriation. On top of this, Massachusetts instituted another statute for ale houses and tavern owners. This statute made it illegal for owners to serve a customer beyond the legal limit, a difficult law to follow. With this statute, however, both the proprietor and customer could be fined for disobeying this law (Austin, Gregory p. 230). The Plymouth colonies chose a different slant in enacting their alcohol legislation. Unlike the Virginian definition for â€Å"drunkenness,† in the Plymouth colony the focus was on motor skills. Plymouth went so far as to define the term which constituted a universal view—throughout almost every colony—that alcohol is not healthy, nor should it be considered beneficial to a person’s health. The Plymouth definition was as follows: they viewed being drunk—not by loss of mobility or amount consumed—but instead by the person’s ability speak clearly: â€Å"A person that lisps or faulters in his speech by reason of drink, or that vomits, or cannot follow his calling. † (Austin, Gregory, p. 240) When we look at gender, women were not considered part of the drinking culture. Most often, women drank in private (Salinger, Sharon p 223). According to historical record, women rarely drank in public in colonial times. It was viewed as unacceptable for a woman. Policy makers enacted different conditions and consequences for each gender. Women were rarely seen in bars and taverns in this period. The brewing of beer, up until the late 1700’s, was an art left for the women to complete. Men would be off at work during the day and women kept the house in order, which included beer and liquor. Home-brewing was very common. In fact, most households that drank brewed their own ale. The Spaniards arrived in the 1700’s and brought wine to the colonies. At the time, vineyards were unheard of; thus, without grapes they could not cultivate, ferment, and produce wine in the colonies. It was brought over on ship. The French soon followed and were able to cultivate the grapes on colony soil. Wine consumption gained in popularity, yet the hard cider was still the preferred drink among the middle class. Germans, too, became part of the alcohol dynamic. The Germans brought better techniques to brewing fine ales and were the first to bring ‘lagers’ to the Americas. All of these countries brought new ideas and new brewing methods to the colonies. In conclusion, it is apparent that the initial discovery of alcohol for the colonies was viewed as a sacred drink. The colonists took the vision of the natives and brought it into their lives as a daily staple. The harms and potential for dangerous situations soon became rampant with all the drunken colonists. Laws were passed and changes were made in various colonies in hopes of curtailing the problems associated with drunken behavior. Even the churches got involved. As new cultures landed from various countries, they discovered new varieties on crafting a very popular beverage. Regardless of all the dangers associated with alcohol consumption, I believe it’s going to continue to be a drink enjoyed throughout the world.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Succubus Dreams CHAPTER 9

â€Å"I don't understand this,† said Seth good-naturedly. â€Å"I catch you stripping in front of other men, yet I'm the one who gets punished.† Clasping his hand, I led him onto the ice skating rink. Just like with dancing, I glided with practiced ease. Seth's movements were jerky and uncertain. Without my hand, I suspected he would have fallen already. â€Å"This is good for you, Mortensen. You sit at a desk – or table or whatever – all day. This'll get your muscles working again. Get the old blood pumping.† His teasing smile turned into a grimace, his hold on my hand turning into a death grip. â€Å"There are a hundred other ways I could do that.† â€Å"But none as fun,† I assured him. Seth was brilliant and funny, but coordinated he was not. During the early days of our acquaintance, I'd tried to teach him to dance. It had been grueling. After a very long time, he'd learned the basic steps, but the process had never been easy – or, I suspected, enjoyable – for him. I'd let him off easy since then, only making him go out dancing once. He'd grown complacent now, which was why I felt this experience would be so good for him. â€Å"Men were not meant to wear blades on their feet,† he told me as we trudged further toward the rink's center. We were outdoors, at a small park, and our breathing made frosty clouds in the air. â€Å"Women weren't meant wear to stilettos,† I told him. â€Å"But you don't hear me bitching about it.† â€Å"That's different. They do great things for your legs. This? This just makes me look stupid.† â€Å"Well, then,† I said. â€Å"You better learn. Time to take off the training wheels.† I released his hand. â€Å"Hey! What the – â€Å" But I was gone, slipping away from his grasp with a laugh. He stood there frozen while I skated away, circling the rink in graceful loops and figure eights. After a few rounds, I skated back up to him, finishing with a neat pirouette. He hadn't moved from the spot where I'd left him, but he no longer appeared annoyed. â€Å"Look at you,† he said, touching my face. â€Å"Rosy cheeks. Snowflakes in your hair. You're the Snow Queen.† â€Å"God, I hope not. That's a depressing story. Hans Christian Andersen had issues.† â€Å"All writers have issues,† he assured me. I laughed and took his arm, leading him around in more awkward skating. My legs and feet protested the slow movement, but the rest of me was happy to have quality time with Seth. â€Å"Speaking of writers with issues,† I said. â€Å"How can I get in trouble for stripping in front of other men when you have a date with another woman?† If not for the fact he would have fallen over, I suspect Seth would have elbowed me. â€Å"That's your own fault,† he said. â€Å"You made me do it, so don't get all jealous now.† â€Å"I'm not jealous – but I think Maddie does have a crush on you.† â€Å"Unlikely. It's probably just author worship.† He gave me a pointed look. â€Å"Like some people I know. If anything, she's got a crush on you.† â€Å"Oh, for God's sake, stop with the lesbian fantasy thing.† â€Å"Nah, nothing like that. She just idolizes you, that's all. You're chipping away at that insecure exterior of hers, and I think she's starting to really see how much she's capable of. You're sort of setting the example.† I hadn't considered that. â€Å"Really?† â€Å"Yup. Keep training her up, and we'll have a mini-Georgina on our hands.† Seth chuckled as we made a painstakingly slow turn. â€Å"Between her, that new succubus, and my nieces, you should start a Ladies Finishing School. How can you be such a good influence and have such a†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Demeaning job?† I supplied. â€Å"Something like that. Of course, I suppose it could be worse.† I gave him a sidelong glance. â€Å"Could it?† â€Å"Yeah, you could, like, sell Amway or be trying to get me to move large amounts of money out of Nigeria.† â€Å"Definite deal breakers in any relationship,† I said solemnly. He looked over at me, rather brave considering the intense attention he'd been giving his feet. Under the rink's soft lights, his expression was tender. His lips curled into a small, fond smile, and his eyes shone with an affection that almost made me go weak in the knees. Maybe it was a trick to get me to fumble my skating. It nearly worked. â€Å"For you?† he said, coming to a stop. â€Å"It might be worth it.† â€Å"Worth cleaning out your bank account?† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"Worth being part of a pyramid scheme?† â€Å"They say they don't do that anymore.† â€Å"What if they're lying?† â€Å"Thetis,† he said with a sigh. â€Å"I'm going to say something to you I've never said before.† â€Å"What is it?† â€Å"Be quiet.† And then he leaned down and kissed me, bringing warmth to my cold lips. Nearby, I heard children giggle at us, but I didn't care. I felt the kiss down to my toes. It was brief, like always, but when Seth pulled away, my whole body was filled with heat. Every nerve in me tingled, alive and wonderful. I barely noticed the chilly temperature or the way our breathing formed frosty clouds in the air. He laced his fingers through mine and lifted my hand to his lips. I had gloves on, but he kissed exactly where I wore his ring. â€Å"Why are you so sweet?† I asked, my voice small. My heart beat rapidly, and every star peeping through the clouds seemed to be shining just for me. â€Å"I don't think I'm that sweet. I mean, I just told you to be quiet. That's one step away from asking you to wash my laundry and make me a sandwich.† â€Å"You know what I mean.† Seth pressed another kiss to my forehead. â€Å"I'm sweet because you make it easy to be sweet.† We linked arms again and continued our circuit. I had a sappy urge to rest my head against his shoulder but figured that might be asking too much of his coordination. â€Å"What do you want for Christmas?† I asked, my thoughts spinning ahead to next week. â€Å"I don't know. There's nothing I need.† â€Å"Oh no,† I teased. â€Å"You aren't one of those, are you? One of those people who are impossible to shop – â€Å" One of Seth's feet slipped out from under him. I managed to stay upright, but he went down, his legs crumpling underneath him. â€Å"Oh my God,† I said, kneeling down. â€Å"Are you okay?† â€Å"I think so,† he said. The tight set of his lips informed me things were a bit more painful than he was letting on. Putting my arm around his hip, I helped him up. The leg he'd fallen on started to buckle, but he managed to keep it steady in the end. â€Å"Come on,† I said, steering him toward the gate. â€Å"We should go.† â€Å"We just got here.† â€Å"Oh, suddenly you're a fan, Scott Hamilton?† â€Å"Nope, but you are. It was just a fall.† Maybe it had been just a fall, but the thought of Seth getting hurt had made my heart seize up. â€Å"No, no. Let's go. I'm hungry.† The expression on his face informed me that he knew I wasn't that hungry, but he didn't fight me anymore. When we'd shed our skates for normal shoes, I was pleased to see he didn't walk with a limp or anything. That would have really been too much: him getting hurt and having it be my fault. â€Å"I'm not made of glass,† he told me as we drove to dinner. He was remarkably good at guessing my thoughts. â€Å"You don't have to protect me.† â€Å"It's instinct,† I said, lightly. But in my mind, I recalled the grim conversation he'd had with Erik. They were mortal. They could get hurt. They could die. It was something I'd witnessed over and over throughout the centuries. Each time I grew close to a new mortal, I'd try to pretend that it wouldn't happen to him or her. But it always did, and eventually that cold reality would hit me, no matter how hard I tried to push it aside. In fact, that knowledge consumed me for the rest of my night with Seth. I knew it was stupid to make such a big deal out of one fall, but I'd seen too many small things lead to disaster in my life. Lying in bed beside him later on, I found myself thinking back to a series of events that had also started small and ended in tragedy. Several centuries ago, I lived in a small town in southern England. I'd called myself Cecily then and worn a body with flaming red hair and big, man-eating eyes the color of sapphires. Funny thing about the Middle Ages. Modern folk always harbor this image of devout, God-fearing people strictly adhering to the letter of divine law. While they were certainly devout back then, that whole adherence thing left something to be desired – even among the clergy. No, scratch that. Especially among the clergy. Powerful churchmen often lived very well in an age where commoners desperately tried to scratch out a living. Ironically, that desperation contributed to the Church's wealth since the population hoped their lots would improve in the next world and gave money accordingly. Wealth and power lead to corruption, however, and the bishop of the town I lived in was one of the most corrupt around. And I was his mistress. Ostensibly, I worked as a servant in his household, but most of my laboring occurred in bed. He fawned over me and kept me supplied with nice clothes and other trinkets, and everyone knew about our relationship. People accepted that it was technically wrong, but most just lived with it. A lot of other bishops – and popes – had mistresses too, and like I said, not everyone was as devout as modern romantics like to believe. Simply living in sin with a crooked bishop didn't satisfy my job requirements. After all, I was a real go-getter in those days, and it hadn't taken too much to lead him astray. If I hadn't done it, someone else would have. So, I slept around on him when I could, getting regular fixes and a great deal of entertainment along the way. One day of said entertainment came from two monks who pulled knives on each other after discovering I'd slept with both of them. I don't know what good they thought it would do. I hardly ever saw them anyway since their monastery lay so far outside of town. Besides, considering how mediocre both liaisons had been, I didn't have much interest in revisiting either one. Nonetheless, they fought ferociously, drawing a lot of blood until a local priest managed to separate them. I watched the conflict with an innocent face, hidden among the enthusiastic crowd. No one suspected my involvement, save the intervening priest. His name was Andrew, and I adored him. Bishops performed masses and other sacraments, but they also had administrative responsibilities. Consequently, Andrew performed a lot of day-to-day ministering. He frequently visited the house where I lived and would speak to me both as a friend and a pastor while traveling to and from his duties. â€Å"Do you hate me?† I asked him after the fight. We sat in the garden outside the bishop's house. A couple other servants tended the grounds nearby but were still too far away to overhear us. Andrew hadn't specifically cited my involvement in the fight, but he had mentioned the incident when he arrived, lamenting what a shame it was that two brothers had been driven to such extremes. Closing his eyes, he tipped his head back into the sunshine. A heavy gold cross – a gift from my bishop that Andrew continually wanted to sell – rested on his chest, gleaming in the light. â€Å"No, of course not.† I studied him, admiring his young, handsome face and thinking the real shame was his celibacy. Wind ruffled his silky brown hair, and I imagined running my fingers through it. â€Å"You sound disapproving.† â€Å"I disapprove of sin, not of you.† He straightened back up and opened his eyes. â€Å"You I pray for.† I shifted uncomfortably. I didn't like being prayed for. â€Å"What do you mean?† He smiled at me, and I nearly sighed at his beauty. I longed to have him as a conquest, but he'd proven resistant so far. Of course, that only added to his appeal. I sometimes felt that if I could ever taste it, the energy from his soul would feed me for a lifetime. â€Å"I pray for your physical and spiritual health. I pray you will sin no more. I pray you will find some man you can marry and have children with.† He hesitated. â€Å"Although, I'd prefer it more if you took vows.† I arched an eyebrow of surprise. â€Å"Why?† â€Å"Why not? You read and write. You're more educated than half the brothers at the monastery. You'd be a great asset to the abbey.† I tilted my head so that some of my hair spilled over my face, knowing how the light would set it ablaze. I held onto his gaze tenaciously. â€Å"Is that the only reason why? Or do you just like the idea of me never being with another man?† Andrew looked away and took a long time answering. â€Å"I'd like you to be my sister in Christ,† he said finally. â€Å"We all struggle with temptation, and I would like to see you removed from it.† With that, he stood up and straightened the kinks from his body. I remained sitting. â€Å"I should leave. It's getting late.† He started to walk away, but I called after him. â€Å"What about you? Do you struggle with temptation?† He stopped walking and glanced at me over his shoulder. A small smile, rueful and sad, played at his lips as he regarded me. â€Å"Of course. You are my great temptation, and you know it. I'd like to be free of that as well.† â€Å"Are you sure?† I asked softly. Shaking his head, still smiling, he left the garden. That had been our last truly happy day together†¦. Back in the present, in bed, sleepiness started to take over and interrupt my recollections. I put a bookmark in my thoughts, reluctant to leave the memory of when life with Andrew had still been sweet and good. I hadn't been able to stop that story's ending, but as I rolled over and studied Seth's sleeping form, I vowed history wouldn't repeat itself.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Effects of Intellectual Revolution in US

The Effects of Intellectual Revolution in US Introduction Ever since the agrarian, industrial and scientific revolution, the world has been experiencing a lot of changes that have affected the lifestyles, cultures and beliefs of every society in the world. It is due to these changes that people started to fight for human rights, democracy, equality and so on.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Intellectual Revolution in US specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Ever since its early days of establishment, USA has been known to be a nation that contains intellectual and rational individuals. These individuals conatin the knowledge and skills required to make a great nation. As a result, the nation has been renowned for its excellence. The main basis of this excellence has been the sustainable education system of the country coupled with favourable social structures that aimed at developing the cognitive capacity of individuals to a great level. However, wit h the rapid advancement in technology that has been experienced in the last few decades, the level of rationalism and intellectuality of the people of the United States has become questionable. Is the country losing its intellectual and rational ways? This is the question that many people keep on asking themselves. Some believe that the citizens of the country have become ignorant while others believe that the country is in the middle of a literacy revolution. These claims have come about due to the changes that are being experienced in the print and visual media. Initially, people used to utilize a lot of print materials. Students used to read poems, books, novels, journals and so on within and outside the class. This trend has however changed and now individuals are doing more of watching than reading. At the same time, the internet, especially the social media has changed the manner in which individuals interact, think and write. Due to this fact, a study should be conducted to d etermine the effects of this advancement of the intellectual capacity of the nation. This essay therefore explores the effects of these developments on the intellectual and rationality capacity of individuals of the United States. Ignorance or New Literacy Severalarguments have been raised pertaining to whether Americans are becoming ignorant to literacy or they are undergoing a great revolution. Several scholars have come up with their theories and opinions pertaining the issue. In her book, The Age of American Unreason, Susan Jocoby states that Americans have changed the manner in which they think and perceive things (Jacoby 1). According to her, much of the problems that the nation is facing have been due to the ignorance that has risen from the public. This ignorance has come about due to the changes in that the society is experiencing. There has been a rapid decline in the use of print media by the public for the last three or so decades (Jacoby 5).Advertising Looking f or essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More People are not reading as much as they used to back in the day. Instead, the spend much of their time watching television, playing video games and surfing the internet. The number of 17 year olds who read nothing other than their course material has doubled between 1984 and 2004 (Jacoby 6). Due to this fact therefore, these individuals do not have the relevant knowledge and skills that are required to build and sustain a great nation. Susan therefore blames technology for the problems that the nation is currently facing. On the other hand, Thompson and McKean believe that the nation is undergoing an intellectual revolution. According to them, the intensity of this change is so great that it will result to the creation of more rational and intellectual individuals that the nation had never had before. All this can be attributed to the introduction of new technology. Throu gh the use of the internet and social media, individuals have had the chance to read and write about a lot of issues (Thompson 3). This has in turn developed them into great writers. At the same time, social media and networks such as tweeter and facebook has given them a chance to easily associate and socialize with one another. This has made it easier for them to share information and ideas. These changes have thus made them understand life in a better perspective by being able to define the problem and come up with solutions (McKean 5). Personally, I tend to believe that technology has increased the thinking capacity of individuals. It has enable people to view issues from a different perspective. At the same time, the flow of information and ideas is much easier. People are now exposed to a lot of things than before. This has made them to be more intellectual and rational individuals. The state should therefore put much emphasis on the use of technology. A lot of studies and res earch should therefore be conducted to ensure that technology is used in a way that will bring about positive change to the people of the United States. Conclusion An intellectual revolution is going on in the United States. This change aims at producing rational individuals who are more learned and ready to face the challenges of life. This change has resulted to a decline in the utilization of print media and an increase in the use of visual media. The nation is therefore not suffering from any intellectual problem. Jacoby, Susan. How Dumb can we Get? Incurable-Insomniatic. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Intellectual Revolution in US specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More McKean, Erin. Redefining Definitions. Web. Thompson, Clive. The New Literacy. Wired Magazine. Web.

Monday, November 4, 2019

This Case Study Analysis coursework consists in writing an ethical Essay - 1

This Case Study Analysis coursework consists in writing an ethical reasoning and critical argument to identify, discuss and address potential ethical issues for a given computing project - Essay Example y systems have taken different dimensions because not only do the ethical issues arise due to the emergence of technology but also due to the implementation by the users. Moreover, the ethical issues may also involve the role of the developer of the system concerning the objective of the information technology system. The following analysis aims to identify the ethical issues surrounding a class project concerning intellectual property and reliability of the project. The case study for the analysis is based on the student workload tracker project. The student Workload tracker project was developed under the oversight of two administrator and nine project members who contributed towards the development of the project. The student workload tracker project was aimed at developing a computer system that would enhance the scheduling process of student’s assignments in school. In an ordinary learning environment students attempt to struggle balancing assignments, academic studies and social life. Subsequently, this makes the students to be overwhelmed since especially when they lack proper time management skills. Therefore, the student workload tracker project was aimed at developing a time management schedule based on the analysis of students’ routine activities and the normal time spent on completing a specific activity. Consequently, the system would use the data to present a trend based on various analytical tools such as graphs and charts. In addition a user interface would be used to enhance the appearance of the data in order to provide a clear view of the students’ task performance trends. Therefore based on the portrayed trend by the system, the students would be in a position to create a reliable schedule based on sequence of assignments and the anticipated time for completing relevant tasks. The implementation of the Student Workload tracker system was assessed on the basis of functionality and achievement of the deliverables by the group members.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Case study about Starbucks (marketing) Assignment

Case study about Starbucks (marketing) - Assignment Example This report will be solely based on the Starbucks case study and will focus on how the specialty coffee player can better survive and survive in the industry. In order to do this, this paper will look at the historical performance of the company, noting the company's strategies in response to its external market. The first portion will provide an account on how Starbucks has prospered and gained wide success in the early 1990s. Next, this report will look at the changes which have transpired in Starbucks market which significantly differentiates it from the 1990s. Through this analysis, this paper will evaluate why the customer satisfaction rating of the specialty coffee retailer declined. Lastly, Starbucks problems will be identified, stressing on how they can be reconciled and remedied. The success of Starbucks in early 1990s has been well documented. The main idea of its "founder" Schultz is to create a third place for the Americans to stay. It should be noted that during that time, Americans are confined to only two destinations-work and home. Schultz then wanted to create a place where the people can relax and enjoy themselves alone or with other people. This business concept has been instrumental in the success of the business organization in the early 1990s. Schultz did not just envision a retail shop which specializes in selling coffee but in creating the proper "ambiance" and strategies in order to convey the "Starbucks experience." Starbucks has operated in a three pronged strategy in order to capture its target market. First, the company concentrates in offering the best coffee in the US by sourcing its coffee beans from Africa, South America, and Asia Pacific. In order to ensure that it is distributing the highest quality coffee beans, Starbucks takes control as much of its supply chain as possible. This means working directly with the growers, supervising the roasting process, and controlling the distribution process worldwide. Secondly, Starbucks have focused on delivering excellent customer service to complement its products. It should be noted that the company's baristas are well trained in entertaining and dealing with the customers. The company believes that the Starbucks experience is not just a matter of delivering quality coffee products but excellent customer service. Thirdly, the specialty coffee retailer also invests in completing the experience by creating the appropriate ambiance. Starbucks has created an atmosphere which is inviting for its customers. In the words of Day, "People come for the coffee but the ambiance is what makes them want to stay." Consistent with what is emphasized in the course, it can be seen that the product offered by Starbucks is comprised of a tangible component, intangible component, and a symbol component. The tangible component, the substance, is addressed by Starbucks' quest in producing and delivering the highest quality coffee in its stores. As discussed above, it becomes an essential component of the value proposition and strategy of the company. The second component, which is service, is exemplified by the company's pursuit in offering